About Me

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Kanata, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 67 year old physician who is currently District Deputy Grand Master of Ottawa District 2 of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. I retired from full time practice 5 years ago having been a family doctor and University teacher. I held full professorships at 4 Canadian universities and was Chairman of Family Medicine at Memorial University, Newfoundland (‘83-‘86) and the University of Ottawa (1986-1995). I have been a Mason since 1964, was Master of St. Andrew's lodge No.560 in 1979-80 and 2006-7. I was a founding member of Luxor Daylight lodge No.741. In 1981 I was appointed the Grand Junior Deacon and in 1982 to the Board of General Purposes. I currently practice part time palliative medicine providing end of life care to patients who choose to die at home. My experiences in this field have included the privilege of working in Calcutta, India, with Mother Teresa's Sisters of charity. I am also a singer and train at the University of Ottawa. My other interests include running. I have completed 12 marathons , the last one in 2003 when I finished the Chicago marathon. My wife Gillian and I have been married for 44 years; have 3 sons and 4 grandsons

Monday, April 30, 2018

Footsteps in the Sands of Time 

(Give at St. Andrew's Lodge,  May 2018)

Tonight, we honour the Master Masons who obtained their 3rddegree in the last five years. As we do so it is appropriate that we look forward to the future lodge of which they will be leaders.

I have been a member of St Andrew’s lodge for almost 51 years. That is over half of the lodge’s history. When I joined in 1967 there were many older members who had been part of the lodge all the way back to its beginning

I had, like many in this room, the pleasure over the years of the company and the friendship of many dozens of members. Men like V.W. Bro Harry Humphries who was the very first candidate initiated in St Andrew’s Lodge in 1920. R.W.Bro. Dudley Fraser was also a friend of mine: Secretary of St. Andrews for many years, now a Grand Lodge Officer now in the Grand lodge of Quebec. R.W.Bro. Robert Rowsome, one of the many of our members who served as DDGM, also sat in this Lodge both as a member of St Andrews and as DDGM in 1969, the last year of a combined District.

We’ve had the privilege of having Bro John Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada as a visitor at one of our meetings

We’ve also said goodbye to many members; most recently R.W.Bro. Bill Burns and W.Bro. Gus Wersch, both of whom we will honour next Sunday

These linkages are important to us. They show that we remember and respect those who came before and appreciate where we came from.

Like you I find that I sometimes forget things. In fact, there seem to be large chunks of events, mainly from my forties and early fifties that seem now like a dream, or that I simply cannot recall. This is not a sign of impending dementia (or at least I trust it is not) but is normal and it’s probably going to get worse.  I’m also going to get even more grey hair, in fact less hair, my wrinkles will multiply, my joints are going to creak and I’ll be subject to falls and repeating myself.

I’m going to continue to get older in fact. It seems hard to believe that 
thirty years ago, I was a lively young fellow of 37, IPM of the Lodge, running marathons and not having any concerns about grey hair, baldness or the inevitable and eventual termination of life.

One of the most controversial things I‘ve said or written in the last ten years was “Everyone of us is aging by 12 months every year” In 20 years many of us will be dead. Somehow that is a radical statement that people would rather ignore.

And ignore it they have! Despite the fact that the average age of Lodge members is going up, that in most lodges something like 40% of the members are over 80 we are still not very worried about the future. We go on as if our present condition, the condition of Masonry, will last forever.

Well, it won’t. It is going to change.  As it has and always has had in the past. 

In the future, the not too distant future, lodges are going to be much smaller and there will be fewer of them. There will again be only one District.  The reasons people go to lodge will be different and the activities of the Lodges will change. As they have since the lodge was formed. Initially by the Scottish Masons who had come to Canada to reconstruct the Parliament buildings. Many joined Masonry after returning from the horrors of the trenches in the Great War. They sought to maintain the strong bonds of fellowship they had forged with their fellow soldiers as they had struggled to keep themselves and those fellows alive. A similar motivation was behind the great influx of members in 1945 after the second World War.

The reasons men have joined Masonry have changed in our 98 years as a lodge. AS has the World in which we live. What’s more change is growing faster than ever. Masonry however has notchanged in its essential mission; that of making good men better and promoting the fellowship of men under the fatherhood of God

I can compare this to a river: to be specific the River Duddon in the English Lake District. I was first there over almost 60 years ago. But it flows still and is still as lovely. It flowed in the time of Wordsworth who wrote:

I THOUGHT of Thee, my partner and my guide,
  As being pass'd away.—Vain sympathies!
  For, backward, Duddon! as I cast my eyes,
I see what was, and is, and will abide;
Still glides the Stream, and shall for ever glide;
  The Form remains, the Function never dies;
  While we, the brave, the mighty, and the wise,
We Men, who in our morn of youth defied
The elements, must vanish; —be it so!
  Enough, if something from our hands have power   
  To live, and act, and serve the future hour;
And if, as toward the silent tomb we go,
  Through love, through hope, and faith's transcendent dower,
We feel that we are greater than we know.

Brethren: we have imprinted OUR feet in the sands of time. Others follow. The timeless vitality of masonry will, like the River Duddon, flow on. Its form will remain, its function will never die.  However, we MUST recognize that change is occurring and will occur with increasing speed.

Recently we all heard these words in the poem “Flanders’ Fields” 

To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields. 

We must make sure that our lodge is prepared for change, that our younger brethren have a secure hold on the torch we pass to them: that we have a plan for the future, both near and distant.

Then we will have continued in the footsteps of our forebears and made an important contribution to the health of our community.

One final thought. To think about on your way home tonight. No matter how popular you are or what accomplishments you have had in life, the number of people who will attend your funeral will depend on the weather.

Thank you for your attention.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Let there be Light

Let there be Light   
Luxor Daylight Lodge.  April 20th, 2011

It is an enormous pleasure for me to visit this lodge as my last official visit. Thanks to the brethren of Luxor I have had the most exciting, interesting and wonderful Masonic year.  From the bottom of my heart I thank you for that privilege.

It is fitting too that this visit comes at the time of the year when two of the great religions of this world celebrate and where in all ages people have celebrated the Spring Equinox and the return of the Sun. New light dawns at this season of the year and we all experience a sense of renewal and enlightenment.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

“The Heart has its Reasons”
An address given at Defenders Lodge on March 2, 2011 R.W.Bro. John Forster, District Deputy Grand Master, Ottawa District 2

How to Read the Bible

How to Read the Bible
An address given at Pembroke Lodge on March 3, 2011 R.W.Bro. John Forster, District Deputy Grand Master, Ottawa District 2
The great lights of Masonry include the Volume of the Sacred Law. In Canada this is almost always the Christian Bible. Many lodges present a copy to the candidate after his initiation. In the last charge in the first degree we learn the following “as a mason I would first recommend to your most serious contemplation the volume of the sacred law, charging you to consider it the unerring standard of truth and justice and regulate your life by the Divine precepts which it contains"
Masonry in the 21st Century
An address given at Cobden Lodge on March 8, 2011 R.W.Bro. John Forster, District Deputy Grand Master, Ottawa District 2
As I near the end of my term, I am pulling together the various basic ideas I have tried to outline over the last eight months and integrating them with observations and conclusions I’ve reached during my term.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The crucial importance of long-range planning.

For THE BUILDERS LODGE official visit. January 17th, 2011

We stand at a crossroads in Masonry. We are experiencing an influx of young men joining the Craft. At the same time a large number of all brethren are in the 80s and 90s.

Our Journey: in Masonry and Life
Bytown lodge. January 20th, 2011

Originally I had planned to talk tonight about the labyrinth, which is a pattern found in many medieval churches and cathedrals in Europe and also many places in Canada. I know of two in the church I attend (St John's Church) and I believe there is another in Christ Church Cathedral.

My thought at 3 this morning when I woke up feeling unhappy that my talk was a bit long winded and that I shouldn’t restrict it to a description of the labyrinth. I’ll try and place its symbolism within the larger context of the journeys we all take.

So I spent most of today changing not only the topic and the content of this talk. I suppose I was partly inspired because last night in Bonnechere Lodge I witnessed a young man beginning his Masonic journey and on reflection felt that this was a good topic to talk about and which would make you think. That is the object of all my talks. I won't create too many conclusions tonight: you make your own conclusions from what I say.

Thomas Goetz: It's time to redesign medical data | Video on TED.com

This short talk relates a method of changing behaviour in the health care field. It is in fact extremely useful in considering the whole process of relating process to desired outcomes in any field.

Thomas Goetz: It's time to redesign medical data | Video on TED.com

Monday, December 20, 2010

Making good men better Part 1

The theme I want to talk about tonight is one I first developed several years years ago for a lecture I gave in Lodge.  Since then I have, I hope, refined it. However it is too long to give at the end of an official visit.  What I’m going to divide it into parts each of which will stand on its own but which can be grouped together as they all will form a continuous theme or series of related ideas.

Making Good Men Better Part 2

If you were present at Madawaska Lodge on Monday night you may find yourself experiencing a sense of déjà vu. That’s because my talk tonight is on the same theme of how we enable good men to make themselves better .